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Chocolate and Alien Cards

We are completely overwhelmed by all of the treats and yummy things we walk by every day. The Japanese really seem to love their sweet stuff.  It has really not helped that fruit and vegetable are pricey, meat is not and the deli food tastes better than my cooking at the moment.  Aagh !!!! I could really pull my hair out!  My children were eating so well! My husband was eating so well!  Aagh!!!! The truth is I cannot understand a word written on the labels of any product in any of the stores.  We're also waiting to pick up our Alien Cards, then we can open up a bank account and then get a credit card.  We've never wanted to do that but for our particular needs online shopping is a necessity.

Tomorrow marks two weeks in Japan!  We have gone through a whole range of emotions, many of them calling us home to the freedom and space and familiarity of South Africa, but more importantly to the warmth and comfort of family.  Friends, we miss you too, but family longing is something else.  God's calling is however louder so here we will stay and live and laugh and pour our lives out for the beautiful children we'll teach.  I was so aware of the space to live Christ out the moment I met my class.  And we were reminded that the Christ in us will communicate with the Christ in others, no translation required.  We know this will bond us with our church and a community of people who do not know the goodness of God.

Alexander is so happy in his new school and I am so happy teaching.  My class is bubbly and alive.  It is a little different having my little boy with me, but I see the blessing in it. I think it's so funny that I am teaching again.

I must tell that we were so blessed meeting the people in our new church.  It was really daunting as the language barrier is very real, but there is a warmth and it is because of our children.  And because of our children one woman blessed is with a huge present.  It is a heated carpet!  God so knows my heart.

And the rice is so good one can understand how it is the most important part of the Japanese diet.

Much love you
Please pray for us, we're trusting for a few things.


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