I read some blogs that are just so beautiful. They are laid out in ways that immediately draw your eye and colour your day. Their authors (I think of blog in terms of words) or creators (each post is like a work of art), are people that write stuff that captivates and motivates. I want to be able to do that. No, more honestly would be to say I want to be able to write posts that don't need pictures for people to read them. I have just read an amazing post about a man being freed from prison and the bloggers response to him. She understands that loving this man, most others would ignore, will be the thing that changes him. She gets that loving him tells him about Jesus. Then I read all the comments and everyone is telling her how nice she is. I want to comment and say she's not doing it to be nice, she's doing it because that's what people who say they love Jesus are supposed to do. I was...
living life intentionally